A very prevalent issue in our world today, especially in teenagers, is body image. No one is ever fully happy with their body but very few people talk about the struggle. We hear stories everyday about young women who struggle with their waist size and whether or not there is a gap between their thighs. Young men who struggle with their weight and whether or not they look "fit" enough.
And not only are we always finding negative parts of our body, we are comparing ourselves to those around us. "Well her skin is so much clearer than mine," "his arms are so much bigger than mine." And this gets us NOWHERE. But surprise! We can't control it. We are always comparing ourselves to others and breaking ourselves down.
But there is an answer to this struggle. Genesis 1:26 says, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness." God created us in His image. His perfect image. How is that flawed in any way? He crafted each of us perfectly. He calls us His and He calls us beautiful.
Let that sink in today. Thank God for His creation and find all the things you love about yourself.