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Hebrews 1:10

This past week my family went to Holden Beach, an annual vacation for us, and spent time in the ocean (watching random people on the beach catch more sharks than I was comfortable with), laying in the sand, and enjoying each other's company. Every day when I walked out onto the sand I was reminded of how great God really is. My mind is unable to fully comprehend His greatness.

Hebrews 1:10 says, "In the beginning, O Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands." God created the fish that swim in the ocean, powerful waves stop at His command. The birds that fly through the sky were crafted in His hands. And most importantly the family members I walked along the beach with.

God created each of us fearfully and wonderfully in His creation. How amazing is it that God created everything we know to exist on this earth? How amazing is it that we live in a universe so large we are unable to explore all of it? How amazing is it that there is just enough oxygen in this world so that we can all live, not too much or too little?

God is so so good and I hope you can spend some time today feeling extra thankful for the people and the world around you.

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